Land Use Committee
Our Activities
As an advisory body to Pitkin County, the Caucus advises residents and the Pitkin County Board of Commissioners and County planning staff on land use, agricultural buildings, stream protection, noxious weed control, fire protection, roads and trails, and open space and wildlife in our area. The Land Use Committee reviews all land use and development applications and advises the Caucus Board on how proposed projects conform with the Caucus Master Plan.
The Master Plan is a comprehensive long range plan to guide development in the Snowmass Capitol Creek Caucus area. The plan conveys the vision of the residents for protecting the rural and open space character of our valleys. It is written to apply to any development proposal – whether a new home or expansion of an existing home, construction of a barn or riding arena, or commercial, institutional or recreational development. The Plan also provides guidance on water and energy resource use.
The Land Use Committee is always open to new members, whether they are Board members or neighbors in our community. Working together, we get to know neighbors old and new, solve problems and help to guide the development in our valleys.