Caucus Master Plan – Monastery Resolution
April 16, 2024
Section XVI, 2024 Snowmass Capitol Creek Caucus Master Plan.
“Preservation of the natural environment and rural character is the Caucus’s highest priority. We advocate the safeguarding in perpetuity of open space, wildlife habitat, and agricultural land though conservation easements, land covenants and deed restrictions, development of backyard wildlife habitat, and other means.
The Snowmass and Capitol Creek valleys serve as habitat and migratory routes for large mammals including elk, deer, moose, bear, mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, and beaver, as well as dozens of species of smaller mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, and invertebrates, which all play a crucial role in the biotic web. An important role for the Caucus is to understand, monitor, and protect the valley for wildlife and plants who don’t have a voice. The need to sustain healthy ecosystems informs our entire Master Plan and decisions of where and how development can occur. “
The Board of Directors of the Snowmass Capitol Creek Caucus, meeting in open session April 16, 2024, hereby adopts Section XVI of the 2024 Caucus Master Plan as its definitive position respecting future potential development of Saint Benedict’s Monastery lands.
Since 1956 the Brothers of Saint Benedict’s Monastery have been careful and respectful stewards of their 3800 acres of iconic Colorado mountain country. In the spring of 2023, the Brothers announced publicly that as a result of declining membership they must close and sell the Monastery. The Brothers of Saint Benedict’s have expressed the desire to see this land preserved in its natural state in perpetuity.
Neighbors, literally from far and wide, have joined to support the maintenance of open space and the values legacy embodied by the Brothers as well as the enduring benefits received from being on a retreat at the Monastery’s Retreat Center.
The Caucus’ Master Plan statement on Environmental Stewardship encapsulates these objectives. “Preservation of the natural environment and rural character is the Caucus’s highest priority. We advocate the safeguarding in perpetuity of open space, wildlife habitat, and agricultural land though conservation easements, land covenants and deed restrictions, development of backyard wildlife habitat, and other means.”
Further, as the Monastery’s “neighbor” with the charter to make recommendations to the Pitkin County Board of County Commissioners, the Caucus fully desires to see the Monastery’s land preserved in perpetuity.